I have been a really lazy blogger as of late so I thought I would catch up with a great Summer post. We've been doing a lot of indoor activities this Summer because it's hot as blazes here. Hulse and Olivia have been coloring, cooking and playing inside a lot. We've also gotten to do some extra fun things like going to the Wonder Place, the library to check out some books and of course to the pool at Papaw and Gigi's house. Hulse and Olivia have really taken to the water this year and love to jump and swim with their floaties. In fact, we hosted a swim party for our Sunday school class and after most of the folks were gone Hulse decided to take a leap into the pool with no flotation device. Trey did a dive and rescue and it was less than 10 seconds, but adrenaline producing none the less. We may have to do some swim lessons now!
We also had a very special first when we went to see our very first movie in the theater. We saw Winnie the Pooh and it was so precious. For those classic Disney folks, it's a must see. Hulse was transfixed the entire hour and Olivia didn't get restless until the very end. The most exciting thing that has happened this Summer is that Olivia is completely potty trained (Hallelujah chorus!). She has done SO well and we are very proud of her. Hulse is working hard but not quite there yet.
Summer is coming to a close and now we're shifting back into school mode around our house. The kids start a new class at school in a couple of weeks so we will be learning a new routine. They also start a new Sunday School class and a new Wednesday night program at church. It should be an exciting transition into the fall. I don't know about you but I'm ready for some cooler weather and some football!