Saturday morning we went to the egg hunt that our kid's ministry at church does, and it's always a fun time. Hulse isn't really into collecting eggs as much as he is getting an egg and immediately opening it to eat what's inside. Olivia is a collector by nature, so she loves to gather eggs and get them in her basket. She's also a candy fanatic and wants to eat her treasures as soon as she can. After we hunted all we could we went to lunch with our friends, the Clinton's, then headed home for a nap. Saturday night we had our first egg-dyeing experience. Hulse and Olivia got to pick their colors, put their eggs in, and check to make sure the color was to their liking! We got through it with no major spills and no permanently colored hands, so I consider it a success. Saturday night after the kiddos were asleep the Easter bunny made a stop by the house and left some great treats!
Sunday morning I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, the kids checked out their bunny loot, and we got gussied up for Easter service. I enjoyed praising Jesus for His sacrifice and the chance to praise Him that He is the Resurrection and the Life! After lunch we headed to take the kids to see my grandfather at the hospital, then to Jacksonville for lunch with Trey's family. After more egg hunting and lunch, the kids crashed for a couple of hours before we went to dinner with my parents.
It was an action-packed, fun-filled Easter weekend. I've always loved the "newness" that Easter brings. Every day is a day to reflect on the sacrifice that Jesus provided for all humanity on the cross, but Easter is a time for the body of Christ to collectively acknowledge that without the grace of the cross we are dead to sin.
"He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God." II Corinthians 5:21